How to order
- Register here
- Click on a category from the menu on the left of your screen or Online Shop in the top menu
- Click on the product name
- You will be taken to the specific product page
- Click on the little plus sign if there are size options available. The number you first see is the minimum order for that product.
- Click on the size you require, unless free size
- Decide on how many pieces
- Add to cart
- This takes you to your order so far
- Continue shopping by clicking on the category you want.
- Minimum order is US$400 excluding courier costs.
- Once you have finished ordering, fill in your details and CONFIRM PURCHASE
- You will first receive an automated confirmation of your order
- We will then personally confirm your order and let you know of payment options
- Payment is via a bank transfer to our Sony Handicrafts account with NMB Bank Limited
- You can also pay via PayPal. We will send an invoice once we receive your order.