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108 Bead Rudraksha and Bodhi Seed Prayer Mala Beads

Himalayan Handmades are wholesalers of a selection of Bodhi Seed and Rudraksha Seed prayer mala beads. We ship our prayer beads worldwide to countries including the USA, Australia, Germany and more.

Seed Mala Beads

Bodhi Seeds Mala

Did you know that it was under the Bodhi tree that the Buddha first attained enlightenment? Many practitioners use bodhi seed malas for their teachings as they have special meaning for all seekers of divine wisdom. Our fine quality bodhi seed beads are handmade in Nepal and feature 108 strung together beads and finished with a guru bead that signifies the end of one round in your prayer circle. Shop a few of our bodhi seed malas today and watch them become the centre pieces of your prayer bead necklaces. 

Lotus seed mala beads

Lotus seeds are extracted from the lotus flower which is one of Buddhisms most important and recognizable symbols. Our lotus seed mala beads feature 108 beads, spacer beads and guru beads. When you use these sacred lotus seed beads you will promote prosperity and spirituality. Wear them to remind yourself to maintain peace and purity through all obstacles and distractions during the week and on your spiritual journey. The lotus mala necklace also helps you retain a balance and find inner peace from the distractions of every day life.

Rudraksha seed mala beads

If you're looking for beads that are known for their protective powers and healing properties then we suggest you choose our Rudraksha prayer malas. Meditating with a rudraksha mala is believed to give you peace-of-mind and clarity. They also increase your ability to concentrate. This natural seed mala is one of our favourites and we're sure they will be a hit with your customers  All our 108 bead seed prayer beads are crafted using only quality seeds and are available to retailers worldwide at wholesale prices online.